Wednesday, June 3, 2015

Green Fingers or Plant Killers?

You can tell that there are probably fewer than 10 green fingers shared amongst the five of us at Orion Preschool, by looking at the condition of our plants. Our initial plan was to keep the plants alive until we can organise a pre-Open House mini-event for our ex-Mothergoose children to help us transfer them into our vegetable garden. This will then symbolise the part that the children have played in helping to set up the new preschool. Oh well, it's on to Plan B then.
Okay, we're really not as incompetent as it looks. Actually the plant was unable to withstand the long weekend without watering, especially during this hot and dry period.
The herbs, like this sweet basil, and another rosemary plant survived the weekend ordeal well.
To hedge our bets, we decided to also grow a few vegetables and flowers from seeds. By the time of the children's mini-event in mid-June, the seeds should have germinated sufficiently so that the children can transfer the seedlings into the ground.

Mrs Poh, who is not known for her interest in gardening, punches holes at the base of the styrofoam box for excess water to drain out.

We got some soil which the nursery claimed was great for fruits and vegetables.
Aunty Chai Fong's husband is an avid gardener, so by association she is acknowledged as our resident expert. Advising the teachers on the intricacies of seed growth.
Ms Wong (henceforth to be called Ms Beth) laying the seeds in tidy rows. When the seedlings appear from the soil, it will be very obvious which box was planted by Mrs Poh.
Our compulsion for labelling everything knows no bounds.
Keep away from our precious plants, you snails!
So children, make a date with us on 15th or 16th June morning (2 dates to choose from). Come and help us to create our vegetable and flower garden at Orion Preschool!

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